Frequently asked questions

Find answers to the most common questions about our capital campaign, Building Hope. If you don't see what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to us.

How long do meetings last?

Typically, one hour.

Who will I be meeting with?

A team of two individuals (staff and/or volunteers) who have been trained to lead a campaign meeting.

What actually happens in a meeting?

First, we start by discussing your “Hope Church story” – why and how you came here and why you stay. We also ask if there are any burdens you are carrying that we can share with our prayer team.

Second, we explain more details of what we’re trying to accomplish through the campaign and why. We also answer any questions you might have about the campaign or the church in general.

Lastly, we discuss next steps and how you might determine what, if any, financial commitment you will make to the campaign. We’ll also set a time to follow up to learn whether or not you are making a commitment and to receive a pledge card (if that’s your choice).

What will NOT happen at any point is asking for a pledge or a contribution on the spot. We want to give people space and time to hear from God. This is His work, not ours, so we don’t need to guilt or manipulate anyone.

What happens after the meeting?

We’ll follow up with you at the time you specify. There won’t be a need to meet again, only to receive the pledge card (if that is your choice). If you do make a pledge, we’ll give the card to our finance team, and they’ll send a verification email along with instructions on how to make your contributions.

Who will know my pledge amount?

Other than you and the Lord, only our campaign consultant and our finance manager. Our pastors and other staff are updated on the total amount pledged on a weekly basis, not as individual pledges are received.

Where does the meeting take place?

Anywhere conducive to an hour-long conversation. Some people prefer to meet in their home, but most prefer the church office. The advantage of meeting at the office is that free childcare is provided most weekday evenings (and Sunday mornings before and after services).

What should I do if my spouse does not attend Hope Church with me?

First and foremost, do nothing demanding or secretive that would cause conflict in your marriage. Do not arrange a meeting unless your spouse is willing to join you or is comfortable with you meeting on your own. If you have to sit this one out to maintain harmony in your relationship, that is the right call to make.