Thank you for your faithful generosity to Hope Church.

Lives are transformed, relationships are restored and communities are changed because of YOUR generosity.

  • Give now to any of our funds. Thanks to your generosity we are able to be a safe place for everyone to taker their next steps with God.

  • INFO ON HOW TO SET UP in bank or church center. Give now. Ask Amy is this the only recurring way to do so?

  • Please mail in check to 4800 NW 88th St. Kansas City, MO 64154. Or drop off to our offices. Checks are payable to Hope Church. 

  • You can leave a financial legacy for Hope Church through a variety of planned gifts. For more information contact Amy W. at 816-741-1444 or amy.wright@hopekc.church.

  • Make a long-term impact by donating appreciated securities. Stock Donations may be sent to: 

    Northwestern Mutual Investments Services
    DTC Number: 0443
    Brokerage Account: SA1264199
    EIN: 61-1555718

    We kindly request that you notify us via email when transfers have been initiated. This will ensure that you are provided with the necessary acknowledgment and tax documentation. Please send an email to finance@amazima.org with these details: your name, number of shares, name of shares, and any notes, if applicable.

  • Discover the best planned giving options to meet your personal and estate planning goals. Whether through bequests, charitable rollovers, gift annuities, trusts, beneficiary designations or even endowment gifts, your contribution will influence the well-being of others far into the future. Enjoy immediate or deferred tax benefits for you and your family as well. We can help you get started.

our different funds

We have different funds you can donate to. Click SOMTHING INSPIRING HERE. 

  • This fund pays for the church's programming and operating expenses, such as Sunday services, Hope Kids, Hope Students, building & grounds expenses, staff salaries and more.

  • This fund is used for organizations we support in our community that do good in ways that we cannot.

  • This fund is for Crisis Aid and Resources in Emergencies for Hope Church members, friends and families.

  • This fund is for making significant improvements to the building and grounds.

90 day giving challenge

take the challenge

We commit to you that if you start giving, give for 90 days, and God doesn't hold true to His Promise found in Malachi 3:10, we will refund up to 100% of the amount you gave from the date you specify in this form. NO questions asked!

The challenge is even for consistent givers. If you increase your giving, we will make you the same deal on the increase. For example, if you increase your giving by $100 per month, we’ll give you back your $300 if God doesn’t hold true to His Promise.

Once you sign up, we will send you an acknowledgement. At the end of the 90 days, we will contact you. At that time, you may request a refund or share your story of how God is blessing you after taking this next step in walking with Him.

start challenge now